It’s 2am and your phone wakes you. Servers down. Sleepily, you muster the energy to get out of bed and start troubleshooting system issues and resolve them after two hours. You are able to go back to sleep for that extra beauty rest before going into work. Of course the moment you are in the office, everyone wants to know of your heroic deeds, from the steps needed to resolve the issue to the actual issue at hand. You painstakingly recount the root issue and the attempt to discuss the exact steps taken to solve it. Everyone is intently listening to your story when all of a sudden, you forget the order of operations needed to resolve the issue.

Whether or not you forget the replication steps to solve the issue, this rather familiar scenario is where a postmortem can help your team. A postmortem would immediately disseminate the necessary information (asynchronously) reducing the need for this somewhat awkward group discussion. In addition, the engineer should be receiving the highest of fives for getting the business back online AND appropriately documenting every step of the process.

Shifting to a Blameless Culture

When considering postmortems for your company, one has to be mindful of maintaing a culture of being completely blameless. This has to exist for postmortems to have any value to an organization. The main point of postmortems is to disseminate information and educate team members on specific issues that bring down systems. We want to break up those important system wide knowledge silos in as positive a fashion as we can.

Let’s say Greg had been working rather late one evening to ship a feature. He had accidentally left out the all important : in our clock.rb file, causing all of our scheduled jobs to fail. This failure actually went undetected for an extra day or two as our error provider never picked up any errors (our clock process would not boot up).

More often than not, Greg will more than likely already feel terrible for being the root contributor to the issue at hand. Adding a layer of blame to that is just not needed or warranted and may have negative effects on his professional development.

For the sake of our postmortem, it also does not matter one bit that Greg was at fault for this issue. What matters is that the symptoms of the issue are correctly documented, the solution is well documented, and there are regression tests for this scenario (when applicable).

Tools We Use

We really enjoy using discourse for documenting everything that relates to our development processes, including our postmortems. Not only does it enable a team of developers to document all the things using the tools we know and love (i.e. Markdown), but the threaded forum format encourages continued discussion of the issues involved. The search quality is pretty good, too.

Overcoming Hurdles

4am isn’t the easiest time to write eloquent prose. As engineers, we need to be in the habit of taking notes and snapshots as we go (repeatable trace of commands, analysis of logs, etc), being mindful of the need to compile a postmortem afterwards. Writing a postmortem well after the events have transpired with little documentation can lead to incorrect diagnosis and misremembering the various analyses performed to determine the root cause of the issue. It’s paramount that the postmortem be written no later than 48 hours after the downtime. Analysis and command history get lost quickly, especially in the heat of the moment.

Any organization that is technical in nature should implement some form of documentation about downtime and critical issues. The thoughtful curation and creation of these long lived documents will help any organization in the long term through knowledge dissemination.

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